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World Radio League

WRL Feature Highlight: Spotting

WRL feature highlight

Using the Spotting Feature in World Radio League

Hello, radio enthusiasts! In today’s World Radio League feature highlight, we’re diving into the Spotting feature. Spotting is an important tool in amateur radio—it lets operators share and discover public records of contacts they’ve made, which helps others tune into the frequency and attempt their own contacts.

In World Radio League, we have our own spotting cluster as well as a direct integration with the Parks on the Air (POTA) spotting cluster. Let’s explore how to use the spotting feature to enhance your ham radio experience!

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Spotting Feature in World Radio League

1. Access the Spotting Page

Begin by navigating to the Spotting page in WRL. The Spotting button is located on the homepage within the list on the left side. There, you will find:

  • A map listing all recently spotted contacts.
  • A grid view displaying detailed contact information.

Each contact will either be tagged as a POTA contact or as a contact spotted using World Radio League only.

2. Use Filters to Refine Your Spotting Search

Up at the top of the page, you’ll see several filters that you can apply:

  • POTA only – Filters to show only POTA contacts.
  • DX only – Displays contacts outside your country.
  • WRL only – Excludes POTA contacts and shows only those spotted on WRL.
  • Spotted near me – Filters for stations operating close to your location.
  • You can also filter by band, mode, or country and more filters for more specific searches.

Spotting filters indicator

3. Spotting from Within a Logbook

You can also access the Spotting page from within a logbook:

  • Create/open a new logbook.
  • Click the Spotting tab and select a station to work with.
  • Use the Copy to Log option to quickly log the contact details, or if the station has been spotted, simply enter the call sign and let WRL auto-fill the frequency, band, mode, and other details. Hit Log Contact, and you’re done!

4. Creating a New Spot

Creating a spot in WRL is simple:

  • Go to the Spotting tab.
  • Click Add Spot, enter the necessary details (such as the call sign, frequency, mode, and any comments), and click Save.
  • Your spot will now be listed on the spotting page.

Adding new spot page

5. Re-spotting a Contact

You also have the option to Re-spot an existing contact:

  • Click the Re-spot button to automatically fill in all details from a previous spot.
  • Hit Re-spot to update it on the Spotting page.

Why Use the Spotting Feature in WRL?

The Spotting feature in World Radio League is a powerful tool that makes it easier to find and connect with stations. Whether you’re working POTA contacts or regular contacts, spotting helps streamline the process, making it faster and more efficient for both you and other operators to log contacts and stay connected. If you have questions or ideas for future feature highlights, head over to the community at community.worldradioleague.com. You can tag @N0APXand we’re always open to hearing from you!

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