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World Radio League

11-8-23 World Radio League Logbook Updates – Don’t miss these!

James KN4NEH here with a BUNCH of exciting updates from the World Radio League logbook.

We’re on a mission to build the world’s best interactive ham radio logging experience at the World Radio League, and today we’re making another major step towards that goal.

So here we go…. Another big release!


Feature Releases:

Most Recent Contacts Page

The home page has gotten a facelift with new globe animation contact mapping -> Steve KQ4DRX has made a feature request to see more details about the contact from the globe view, which we are also working on!

From the Home page, you can now click “View All” on the most recent contacts. This brings you into a dedicated table view, Globe view, and Map view of the Most Recent Contacts.

As you might imagine, this is laying the groundwork for our spotting network and other realtime features!

You will also soon be able to see a Globe View for your own logbooks and summary page on your profile.

Member Directory

Are you curious what other members are up to in your area?

Well, we just released a Member Directory that allows you to see other members of the World Radio League.

This is a stepping stone towards a highly requested “Find Members Near Me” feature to help you connect with local ham radio operators – perhaps even find an elmer or local club!

Print PDF (Available to Premium Members and Above!)

A special shoutout to our Founding Members who are supporting the World Radio League development!

We are always going to maintain a free version of the app, so your support helps make the World Radio League available to everyone.

With the Print PDF functionality, you can now print your awards and save them as PDFs. It makes for a great way to celebrate being a Founding Member with the World Radio League!

Updates to the Logbook Summary Page

On your Logbook Summary from your Profile page, you can now see how many QSOs you’ve made in each band / mode.

We also fixed the bug so you can see how many grid squares you’ve worked!

Logging Enhancements 

A number of logging enhancements came through in this release, including

  • D-STAR added into the drop-down (thank you to John K9IK)
  • FT4 and FT8 added to the modes in the drop down (shout out to steve KQ4DRX)
  • My Antenna and My Radio are now sticky values (shout out to steve KQ4DRX)

Upcoming Feature Releases:

From your feedback in the community forums and live at the Stone Mountain Hamfest, we wanted to let you know of a few things on our roadmap.

  • Ability to export logs is coming VERY soon – we have a lot of requests for this for those working POTA
  • Import is also coming so you can import your logs from other logbooks and check your analytics in the World Radio League
  • Live contesting / special event logging for upcoming Winter Field day and hamcation


Our feature releases are coming fast, so join sign up for a free account at www.worldradioleague.com so you can join in on the fun!

To make a feature suggestion or just chat with our team, join us in the World Radio League Community Forum.

If you want to support the World Radio League, consider becoming a Founding Member. Your support helps us keep logging free for everyone.

Founding Member spots are limited and you will be assigned a Founding Member number according to when you sign up.


73 and hope to hear you on the air soon!

James KN4NEH

CEO World Radio League

World Radio League

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