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World Radio League

WRL Feature Highlight: Getting Your Contacts from WRL to POTA

WRL feature highlight


Welcome to another World Radio League Feature Highlight! Today we’ll be covering the workflow of exporting your Parks on the Air (POTA) contacts from World Radio League and uploading them to the POTA website.

If you’re an activator logging POTA contacts, this process will save you time and effort by allowing you to transfer your ADIFs from WRL to POTA.

Step 1: Open Your POTA Log in World Radio League

The first thing you need to do is access the correct logbook inside World Radio League.

  1. Navigate to Log Contacts: From the main menu, click Log Contacts.
  2. Open Your POTA Log: Select the logbook that contains your POTA contacts.
  3. Click the Settings Wheel: This is located at the top right of the logbook interface.

Step 2: Export Your POTA-Optimized ADIF File

Inside the logbook settings, you have two options for exporting your contacts as an ADIF (Amateur Data Interchange Format) file. Here’s how to export the version optimized for POTA:

  1. General ADIF Export: This option exports a generic ADIF file, which can be used with various log-keeping platforms. However, for POTA, there’s a more tailored option.
  2. POTA-Specific ADIF Export: Click the Export [Park Number] ADIF button. This version is optimized for easy upload to the POTA website, including all the necessary park information.

Export POTA ADIF pointer

Alternatively, you can select the action button on the logbook and use the export ADIF button.

Export ADIF from action button indicator

When you click this, your POTA-optimized ADIF file will be downloaded to your device.

Step 3: Upload Your ADIF to the POTA Website

Now that you’ve got your ADIF file, it’s time to head over to pota.app and upload your log.

  1. Go to the POTA Website: Open your browser and navigate to pota.app.
  2. Access Log Uploads:
    • Click the menu button in the top-left corner (indicated as 3 horizontal lines)
    • From the dropdown, select My Log Uploads.
  3. Upload the Log:
    • Click in the Upload Activation Logs entry.
    • Select the ADIF file you just exported from World Radio League.
    • Check the necessary check boxes to confirm the upload.
    • Click Submit

Log upload window in POTA app

That’s It!

Now you know how to transfer your POTA contacts from World Radio League to the POTA website! If you’re activating parks and don’t want to manually re-enter your contacts onto the POTA website, this feature makes the process straightforward and efficient.

Stay tuned for more feature highlights from World Radio League. If you have questions or ideas for future feature highlights, head over to the community at community.worldradioleague.com. You can tag @N0APXand we’re always open to hearing from you!

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