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World Radio League

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What is the World Radio League?

December 20, 2023 | Blog
In this guide:

The World Radio League (WRL) is an organization dedicated to making radio communication accessible and enjoyable for license holders. This post outlines the key features of the WRL and how you can start logging your ham radio contacts for free!

Our Mission with WRL

World Radio League Animation

The primary goal of the WRL is to encourage active participation in radio communication. Many people get their ham radio licenses but do not actively engage in logging contacts or getting on the air. The WRL aims to simplify this process, making it more approachable for everyone.

World Radio League Features

The WRL Logbook is a central hub for radio enthusiasts. It offers several key features:

  • Recent Contacts: Users can see the most recent contacts made by others in real-time.
  • Global Contacts Map: This feature displays all the contacts made worldwide, showcasing activities in various countries like the US, Europe, India, and Australia.
  • Leaderboard: A competitive element where users can see who has made the most contacts, categorized by mode.
  • Multiple Logbooks: Users can maintain different logbooks for various operating types, whether at home, a club station, a park (for Parks on the Air – POTA), or a summit (for Summits on the Air – SOTA).
  • Auto-Fill Data: When making a contact, the system auto-fills relevant data to streamline the logging process.
  • and many more!

It’s just the beginning of a new era for ham radio operators. We are actively working on adding new features to make it the best ham radio logbook in the world!

Meet the Team at Orlando HamCation

Our WRL team will be present at the Orlando HamCation, and we invite enthusiasts like you to visit and share your stories. It’s an opportunity for users to connect with the team, discuss their experiences with the WRL Logbook, and celebrate their successes in radio communication.


The WRL is active on social media platforms such as TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram. These platforms are used to share content about operating techniques and to engage with the community.

The WRL team, including Max, James, and others, encourage users to share their success stories. They are interested in hearing about different achievements, whether it’s obtaining a Technician license, a General license, or working towards an Amateur Extra license.

World Radio League

Join WRL For Free!

  • Log your ham radio contacts
  • Access to videos & guides
  • Free community access.
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